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Remembering wholeness of gifted being through mindful connection.


The Gifted Mindfulness Collective emerged out of a need for mindfulness-based spaces and guidance that take into account the uncommon intensity, complexity and entelechy of gifted adults. Founded in 2019 by Kelly Pryde, PhD in partnership with InterGifted, we explore mindfulness as a transformative path to wholeness of gifted being through community, courses, personal depth work and creative expression. We create spaces of refuge and exploration with participants from around the world who are dedicated to discovering and using their gifts in conscious ways.  


There is deep intelligence about the flow of your gifted being―and your life―in embodied mindful awareness. 

Our approach

Gifted-specific mindfulness is grounded in spiritual wisdom traditions, depth psychologies, and a holistic view of giftedness that encompasses embodied, emotional, sensual, imaginal and existential intelligences, as well as mental intelligence. Drawing on the Sanskrit root of the word mindfulness, smriti, which means “remembrance of our soul nature”, our approach focuses on awakening to and embodying a wholeness of gifted being beyond familial and cultural conditioning. We remember this wholeness through the path of right relationship: a deep connection with our inner and outer nature based on respect, responsibility and reciprocity.

Our services



A weekly ritual space for gifted and 2e women to experience the transformative power of mindfulness in community for reclaiming their wholeness and freedom of expression.

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Our online courses and workshops are live, small group offerings that support deeper understanding & development of gifted intensity and complexity, relational mindfulness and embodied living.

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1-on-1 guidance that blends depth psychologies with embodied mindfulness to remember parts of the gifted psyche that have been inaccessible and are longing to be actualized on your unique journey.

I've never heard my life experiences, my deepest feelings about myself, mirrored back to me like this. ... [It's] like finding a home for the first time.

Tracey, CA

Current & upcoming offerings

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New Community Space for Gifted Adults

Community Dreamwork is a new offering coming in early 2024! This monthly community space is for gifted and twice/multi-exceptional adults who want to learn embodied mindfulness-based approaches to dream tending for personal and collective care, connection and growth.

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Starting in April 2024

Our 6-class mindfulness foundations program for gifted and 2/multi-e women is starting in April. Join a small group of peers in a supportive space to learn gifted- and feminine-sensitive approaches for living consciously with intensity and complexity. Space is limited to allow for in-depth discussion and experience.

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Article: Befriending Our Gifted Minds

In this article written for the Advanced Development Journal, GMC founder, Kelly Pryde shares her journey in discovering the transformative power of mindfulness for supporting the inner experience of giftedness. Buddhist & modern psychology, along with the experiences of other gifted adults, are woven throughout.   

This compilation is the result of a yearlong contemplative journey taken by 20 gifted women into the past to "retrieve the bones" – to bring back the voices of gifted women who came before us and the energies of feminine wisdom within us longing to be heard and remembered into conscious awareness. It includes 26 expressions of story, art, and poetry giving voice to deep knowings about giftedness and humanness often silenced in a culture that thrives on mental intellect and productivity. Retrieving the Bones offers a medicine for healing and a map to guide us forward on our gifted journeys.


200 pages in PDF (ebook) format

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New writing & art compilation

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