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Embodied Depth Work

Discover the fullness of your gifted self through mindfully embodied, depth-based exploration

About Embodied Depth Work​

Embodied depth work is a guided process that focuses on getting in touch with and integrating the parts of your gifted self that have been repressed from conscious awareness by familial and cultural conditioning. It is grounded in the innate wisdom each person carries for their own becoming, and supports you in actualizing the fullness of your gifted self. This includes the many facets of both mind and body, as well as conscious and unconscious. ​

Although the misunderstood, exiled parts of the gifted self are different for everyone, they often include aspects of creative, embodied, emotional and existential being. The intense, multi-layered nature of these repressed parts utilizes a significant amount of energy that often separates gifted individuals from the deeper, more meaningful realities they long to actualize.  

Through deep listening, mirroring and experiential exploration, embodied depth work supports you in moving beyond habitual ego consciousness – the dominant aspect of gifted mind rooted in figuring things out, understanding, and searching outside yourself for answers – so you can learn to listen and feel into the innate wisdom already within you. This process of coming into right relationship releases energy that is bound up in yet-to-be-accessed parts and initiates a transformation where deeper, more creative and authentic parts of your gifted self can emerge.   â€‹

Gifted adults often find their way to depth work after effectively engaging in growth and discovery work for some time yet still feel called to go deeper in their process. Yet-to-be-accessed parts often feel like "something underground" or a longing still waiting to be realized. â€‹â€‹

What to Expect in Our Sessions​​

Depth work sessions are typically 1 hour in length and take place
over zoom with GMC founder
Kelly Pryde, PhD. During our sessions, we get in touch with the deeper parts of your gifted self using a combination of embodied mindfulness-based approaches that include: deep listening, active imagination, dreamwork, focusing, creative expression and recurring life patterns, as well as the ways these expressions are supporting your process of coming into gifted wholeness. In concert with your unique constellation of traits, we explore complex patterns and themes over time to allow an organic unfolding of transformation to emerge as well as a greater sense of gifted flow and direction in your life. The frequency and duration of depth work varies according to each person's individual needs and is determined together throughout the process.​

The approaches central to embodied depth work are particularly well-suited to gifted adults drawn toward autonomous growth and expression. They engage metaphorical thinking, creativity, and openness to experience; explore complex patterns and multi-layered meaning of experience; and engender the deep process of self realization. Most importantly, they support you in getting your emerging gifted self into your life and into the world. â€‹

Embodied depth work guides you toward embracing the innate wisdom of your gifted self. â€‹

This approach is rooted in the knowlege that the deepest guidance you seek on your journey is already within you waiting to be remembered and translated into action. I embrace giftedness within the process of entelechy – the inner patterns and energies that are guiding you towards your unique expression – and bring curiosity, creativity and compassion to each session to support this.​

My interest in weaving mindfulness and depth psychologies to support gifted and twice-exceptional adults has emerged out of my experience as a contemplative practitioner, facilitator, psychologist and leader within the gifted community, along with my own extensive healing work, over many years. You can read more about my training and experience here. This work is also informed by my recent training in Jungian and Post-Jungian clinical studies as well as therapeutic embodied dreamwork. You can read what gifted clients who have been involved in the development of this work have said here.  â€‹

If you are interested in embodied depth work with Kelly for your gifted or 2e journey, please email here:

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.

C.G. Jung

Light Circle

What gifted clients have said about embodied depth work

Working with Kelly for the past few years as I have uncovered, unravelled, and navigated the complex parts of my gifted and autistic self has been a tremendous gift. Prior to, I had spent a lifetime trying to fit my needs into traditional therapeutic approaches, yet they could rarely meet me where I was at and consequently left me feeling misunderstood. By integrating imaginal work into our sessions, Kelly gave me a tool that not only felt deeply instinctual for my hyperphantasiac 2e mind, but allowed me to dig into and understand parts of myself that had largely remained inaccessible. Most of my emotional and psychological healing has ultimately been done in this imaginal space, in conversation with my past, future, and imagined selves.  


T.S., Canada

As I've been working with Kelly for the last two years in different layers of the imaginal realm, my life has shifted. And it has shifted in the most profound, deeply healing, nourishing way.  Kelly's approach opens up spaces and places inside of me that are both enriching and tremendously transforming. My self-understanding and self-compassion become more substantial every day, in a way that a mere logical, analytical approach could never provide. The experience of doing imaginal work with her brings a quality of multidimensional density and richness, layers interwoven throughout each other, into being. There is a solid, warm, trusting groundedness in everything that emerges from working with her.


L.M., Germany

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